Module 4: Signs & Images

Modul 4: Signs & Images

Knowledge made visible

Africa is the rock art continent. Thousands of examples of this form of communication can be found in 36 of the 54 African countries. They were initially created by hunters and gatherers, later and to this day also by pastoralists and farmers. The reading of traces and rock paintings began long before the first writings were created in Africa around 6,000 years ago.

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Reading did not begin with writing, but with reading tracks in nature. Early humans read tracks to hunt animals or understand social interactions. Reading tracks requires in-depth ecological knowledge and keen powers of observation. It is considered one of mankind's first scientific skills.

Ab etwa 40.000 Jahren verbreitete sich die Fähigkeit, mit Zeichen und Bildern Wissen zu vermitteln. Diese Kunstform ist in Afrika besonders ausgeprägt, und Felskunst findet sich in fast allen afrikanischen Ländern. Sie wurde von Jägern, Sammlern, Viehhirten und Bauern erschaffen und erzählt Geschichten über die Welt und das Leben der damaligen Menschen.

In some regions of Africa, boulders were not only carved with images, but were also used as percussion instruments. These “rock gongs” or lithophones used hammerstones to produce metallic or gong-like sounds that were used for rituals and community activities.