Module 2: Becoming human
Decisive first steps
At least a dozen different forms of humans have existed in Africa over the last 4 million years. About 90% of the species in the human family tree originated in Africa and most of them lived only in Africa, while the rest of the world was deserted. Without this unique African history, there would be no humanity on the globe today.
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At least 85% of human evolution took place in Africa, and all hominins older than 2 million years originated in Africa. Only in Africa did most of these early human species live, while the rest of the world was deserted.
The invention of tools, the use of fire and the development of hunting techniques all began in Africa and formed the basis for humanity's success. This is how the “Made in Africa” brand came about as a milestone in human evolution.
Severe climatic fluctuations in Africa forced early humans to constantly develop new survival strategies, including hunting big game, using dyes and making jewelry - and not least the development of language as the oldest art in the world.