Planet Africa - An exhibition on two continents With big steps towards the construction of the exhibition - Accra and Maputo

18. April 2023 Planet Africa - An exhibition on two continents With big steps towards the construction of the exhibition - Accra and Maputo

After long months of planning and many meetings we can announce today that the exhibition "Planet Africa - Archaeological Time Travel" will open in Africa in Maputo (Mozambique) and Accra (Ghana). Wazi Apoh, second curator of the exhibition, already signed the cooperation agreement with Jörg Linstädter from the German Archaeological Institute for the collaboration in Accra in March. In Accra, Planet Africa will be on display in the exhibition rooms of the University of Ghana.

In the last week of April, Décio Muianga visited Bonn. Décio is an archaeologist and studied at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo. Currently he is working at Uppsalla University in Sweden. On April 27, 2023, we sat down with him and talked intensively about the realization of the project in Maputo. The highlight of the meeting was the signing of the cooperation agreement. The exhibition will open in Maputo in the middle of 2024 in the Natural History Museum.

Jörg Linstädter (left) and Wazi Apoh (right) sign the cooperation agreement between the University of Ghana and the German Archaeological Institute in Accra (Photo: Jörg Linstädter).
Jörg Linstädter (left) and Wazi Apoh (right) sign the cooperation agreement between the University of Ghana and the German Archaeological Institute in Accra (Photo: Jörg Linstädter).

Until then, there is still a lot to be done! In Germany, Maputo and Accra, the exhibition boxes will be built this year. The construction of the three other African locations will then take place in early-mid 2024.

We are excited about the coming months of the project and will keep you up to date!

Décio Muianga signs the cooperation agreement between Eduardo Mondlane University and the German Archaeological Institute in Bonn (Photo: Miriam Rotgänger).
Décio Muianga signs the cooperation agreement between Eduardo Mondlane University and the German Archaeological Institute in Bonn (Photo: Miriam Rotgänger).